Bristol Indiana was chartered in 1835. This rural community is primarily a blue-collar work force. Located in Elkhart County, Washington Township on two major State Highways. According to the Indiana Department of Transportation, Bristol has one of the busiest two lane intersections in Elkhart County. There is an exit off of I 80/90, the Indiana toll road, allowing for better transportation availability.
Some of the great natural resources in Bristol are the St. Joseph River known for one of the best fishing spots in the midwest. Another great attraction is Bonneyville Mill Park, which is located just east of town off the Elkhart River. Bristol has and additional three parks within the town all located adjacent to the St. Joseph River. Bristol also has an Opera House bringing local theatric arts to the community.
Bristol has 1200 acres covering nearly a two square mile area. There are 28.4 miles of road within the town of Bristol. During the last seven years Bristol has enjoyed better than average growth as compared to the rest of the state. There approximately 608 households in Bristol plus approximately 300 rental units. The average household population, according to the 2010 Census, is 2.62 for houses and 2.49 for rentals. The estimated population is approximately 1602 persons. The town population more than triples during the daytime hours from the work force. There are in excess of 150 manufacturers and businesses within the town of Bristol. The grade school in Bristol has an enrollment of 500 students. There are eleven churches in the Bristol area. Our population is very diverse in make up.
Washington Township covers a 36 square mile area with an additional 5800+ population.